Forecast Winds in the Gulf of Mexico Region (NOAA/NCEP NAM Product)
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Nowcast/forecst winds for the Gulf of Mexico region, output from the North American Mesoscale (NAM) Forecast System, provided by the NOAA NCEP Operational Model Archive and Distribution System (NOMADS). These winds are at 10 m hight (relevant with ocean models). Wind vectors are subsampled every three grid points, and the snapshots are shown very three-hours. This product is updated automatically four times a day.
These winds are used to drive the West Florida Coastal Ocean Model (WFCOM) and the Tampa Bay Coastal Ocean Circulation Model (TBCOM), automated coastal ocean circulation nowcast/forecast systems in the eastern Gulf of Mexico. Check the USF Ocean Circulation Group webpages for other research products, such as Florida red tide predictions.
The analyses/data are research products under development. No warranty is made, expressed or implied, regarding accuracy, or regarding the suitability for any particular application. All rights reserved University of South Florida. Copyright University of South Florida 08/18/2020.
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